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光华讲坛—The Emergence of Economic Rationality of GPT GPT经济理性的出现
发布时间: 2023-11-20

主题The Emergence of Economic Rationality of GPT


主讲人清华大学经济管理学院 刘潇副教授

主持人5822yh银河国际・(中国)官方网站 赵琳教授





刘潇, 清华大学经管学院长聘副教授, 2006年本科毕业于中国人民大学, 2012年博士毕业于美国密歇根大学。研究方向为实验经济学、行为经济学、市场设计和信息经济学。目前担任三本国际期刊Management Science,Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization,Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics的Associate Editor。文章发表在Management Science、Games and Economic Behavior、Journal of Development Economics等期刊。


As large language models (LLMs) like GPT become increasingly prevalent, it is essential that we assess their capabilities beyond language processing. This paper examines the economic rationality of GPT by instructing it to make budgetary decisions in four domains: risk, time, social, and food preferences. We measure economic rationality by assessing the consistency of GPT decisions with utility maximization in classic revealed preference theory. We find that GPT decisions are largely rational in each domain and demonstrate higher rationality scores than those of humans reported in the literature. We also find that the rationality scores are robust to the degree of randomness and demographic settings such as age and gender, but are sensitive to contexts based on the language frames of the choice situations. These results suggest the potential of LLMs to make good decisions and the need to further understand their capabilities, limitations, and underlying mechanisms.
